Art Gallery 12 Kvadrat, Sweden
Art Gallery 12 Kvadrat is situated on the small island of Edö in the Stockholm archipelago, position Lat 59° 28′ 8’’ Long 18° 37′ 49’’. Edö can be reached from the centre of Stockholm by daily Waxholm boats, two hours through sea and islands. The gallery is a 300 meter walk from the boat jetty. Read more here: facebook.com/tolvkvadrat
“Photography is an immediate reaction, drawing is a meditation.“
Henri Cartier-Bresson (1908 – 2004)
Taylor’s drawings are influenced by a wide range of creative sources. From the work of visual artists, film makers, animators, to writers and musicians, including The Coen Brothers, The Brothers Quai, Cormac McCarthy, David Lynch, Jean Debuffet and Max Beckman. Art Brut or Outsider Art also informs Taylor’s approach to creativity and drawing, and the processes and stimuli that feed imagination.
“Drawing is not what one sees but what one can make others see.“
Edgar Degas (1834 – 1917)
The process of Drawing
Taylor draws from his imagination and memories, while some works originate from an observed starting point – a location, object, or artefact in a museum. In the process, Taylor makes associations and connections between seemingly unrelated subjects creating new forms, scenarios, and manifestations on paper.